Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Reflections on the Obama/Bush Administration

Our two main problems are the economy and the wars.

In terms of wars - we still have same Bush appointees running the Defense Department, we still have prisoners in Cuba, and we still have our fine young troops dying in Iraq and Afganistan - so the contracts let by Bush to the Bush supporters can be fulfilled. We invaded these countries and killed their citizens - so of course they are fighting back. So would we if our country was invaded. Perhaps the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were warranted, but staying there and spending money "to rebuild the country" is nonsense. I am very disappointed in the Bush/Obama administration.

In terms of the economy - millions and millions of people have lost their jobs and homes and over 100 banks have failed. And the only response has been to bail out the Goldman Sachs partners and the United Auto Workers. Oh yes, the people did get $300 each - no doubt that saved their homes and jobs. What is so strange is that Obama kept all the Bush appointees with economic responsibilites - the head of the Fed, Comptroller of the Currency, FDIC chairman, and every member of the all-important Open Market Committe of the Fed. Of course, Obama did change the Secretary of the Treasury - he promoted the Bush appointee who used to head the New York Fed and played a major role in the open market operations that gave us the current recession. The current President and Congress remind me of Herbert Hoover and his Congress. I am very disappointed in the Bush/Obama administration.

We need to elect new leaders and they need to appoint macroeconomists to make macroeconomic policy and they need to appoint Generals who have read the history of Afghanistan. The current batch of insensitive and uncaring oafs have got to go.

In terms of Afghanistan: we would have a better time of it if we explained our invasion in terms the Afghans understand: We are not there to support the government or pass out contracts or change the way they treat their women, we are there because we have a blood feud with Bin Laden - he killed our women and children and we are going to stay until we kill him. Kill him for us and we will go. There is no possible "victory" in Afghanistan because we have nothing to win and they will fight the invaders (us), as they have always done, until the invaders leave. Then they will resume fighting each other.

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